lørdag, mars 03, 2007

Hva er privat

Hva er privat når Internett er fotoalbumet vårt? nymag.com har en interessant feature der de profiler representanter for nett-generasjonen. Er det ikke en klar parallell til det første bohembudet: Du skal skrive ditt liv

Les nedenfor hva "Kitty" tenker om faren ved å legge ut bilder på nettet:
More young people are putting more personal information out in public than any older person ever would—and yet they seem mysteriously healthy and normal, save for an entirely different definition of privacy. From their perspective, it’s the extreme caution of the earlier generation that’s the narcissistic thing. Or, as Kitty put it to me, “Why not? What’s the worst that’s going to happen? Twenty years down the road, someone’s gonna find your picture? Just make sure it’s a great picture.”

(skjermdumpen er fra samme artikkel og viser Caitlin Oppermanns "Facebook")

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